During Canada Water Week I looked at our water bills and discovered that our usage the last few months was staggering high compared to what we normally use. We have been using our best Nancy Drew skills to figure out what the heck was going on. I think it is multiple issues but we have found the source of one!

It appears someone (::whistles::) forgot to turn the water to the garden hose off. I remember being out there in the fall and there was a wasp nest in the thing (technical term) that the hose rolls up into. Which is at the exact height my head would be at if I bent over to turn off the water. So I didn't. I remember thinking that I would have to tell Joe so he could do it. I didn't. So since then the water has been dripping at the tap. It is now turned off and will hopefully make a difference.
Now on to solve the problem of why I think our toilets (all 3) are leaking.
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