This will be my 4th time completing the 101 in 1001. Over the last 3003 days I have not completed all 303 items on my list. I used to feel bad about this, like how is it possible that I can't get something done in such a long time frame. The reality is that life can change a lot in 1001 days. What was once important on Day 1 may seem completely ridiculous on day 1001. I have no clue what I thought finishing Super Mario Brothers would be a good use of my time.
What I liked about my last round of 101 things is that I focused more on a specific goal and even if I didn't get everything under that goal done I can say that in almost all cases I felt like I achieved my goal. There were things I did to meet those goals that weren't on the list, some of which were more important. I will be continuing with setting overall goals and 101 things to help me meet them.
First 101 in 1001
Second 101 in 1001
Third 101 in 1001
Start Date - December 1, 2016
End Date - August 29, 2019
Anything with a * is a carryover from the previous round, In Progress items are marked in green and Completed items in blue.
Completed - 13
In Progress - 20
Not Started - 68
Goal - Create a comfy home
1. Make a barn door for the closet
2. Redo fireplace
3. Make throw pillows
4. Figure out something for the new wall
5. New front door *
6. Find a better solution for hallway closet doors
7. Find new curtains for the family room and kitchen
8. Paint B's room - August 2017
9. Create a reading nook for B *
10. Make a wooden star
11. Find a solution for line drying clothes
12. Print photos for B's room
13. Print photos for master bedroom
14. Hang map and travel photos
15. New carpet runners for doors and pool route
16. Replace carpet upstairs
17. Twice a year purge items no longer needed
18. Install a back splash in kitchen
19. Get rid of fan in master bedroom
20. Fix paint in family room
21. Find curtains for master bedroom
Goal - Continue to focus on making myself a priority
22. Find a sustainable workout routine
23. Paint my nails more often
24. Make lunch every day
25. Make bullet proof coffee a daily routine
26. Revamp my wardrobe
27. Run 5km *
28. Learn to apply makeup *
29. Read 120 books
30. Determine volunteer opportunity after CAWR role is done - April 2017
31. Juice more often
32. Yoga at least twice a week
33. Find vitamin/supplements that work for me - January 2017 (LLV from doTerra!)
Goal - Get outdoors more, regardless of the weather
34. Buy a bike and go on family bike rides
35. Teach B to ride his bike with no training wheels
36. Camp early or late in the season
37. Backcountry camp in Quetico
38. Teach B to paddle a canoe/kayak
39. Learn to skate *
40. Go showshoeing
41. Visit at least 5 more Provincial/National Parks
42. Go to Long Point Eco Adventures
43. Train trip across country - June 2017
Goal - Make the backyard a place we want to spend time
44. Finish all backyard planting focusing on native species and privacy
45. Plant along the front fence
46. Get the programming on the pool fixed
47. Set up and paint adirondack chairs
48. Create more shade
49. Make an outdoor chalkboard *
50. Automate rain barrels to water gardens
51. Double the size of the veggie garden
Goal - Become more handy
52. Learn to use the tools
53. Grow the canning pantry
54. Knit scarf for B - December 2016
55. Make own Christmas crackers *
56. Make own wool dryer balls *
57. Fix master bathroom shower - September 2017
58. Fix windows *
59. Fix fence *
60. Learn how to open and close pool
61. Paint a new round kitchen table
62. Replace gasket in washing machine
63. Learn to round knit
64. Learn to use the sewing machine
Goal - Get organized
65. Organize the basement
66. Organize garage *
67. Organize office *
68. Organize essential oils - December 2016
69. Organize keepsakes from trips *
70. Find a system where I actually start to put clean laundry away
71. Organize mail - August 2017
72. Redo budget
73. Start to use a physical calendar
74. Organize B's closet
75. Finish photo books *
76. Find storage for important documents
77. Organize camping equipment - April 2017
78. Make a month calendar for the kitchen
Goal - Refocus on this space
79. Post to Instagram daily
80. Share more about essential oils and how they have worked for me
81. Create a blogging calendar that works for me
82. Create a newsletter calendar
83. Create an essential oils guide based on the oils I use
84. Rebrand
Goal - Make more food from scratch
85. Replace store bought organic granola bars with homemade organic bars
86. Make own banana chips
87. Make own pizza dough
88. Replace store bought fruit bars with homemade
89. Make own school safe trail mix - September 2017
90. Make own hot chocolate
91. Replace store bought bread with homemade
92. Replace store bought bagels with homemade
Goal - All the other stuff
93. Determine what 2nd EV will be - May 2017
94. Finish watching The Wire *
95. Find volunteer opportunities for B
96. Make own liquid laundry detergent
97. Rewatch Gilmore Girls
98. Get B guitar lessons *
99. Make own rollerbottles of favourite blends to have on hand - April 2017
100. Sign B up for chess lessons - February 2017
101. Complete another waste audit
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