
1 2nd Birthday!

Today a certain little boy turns 2! I started off the year with grand ideas for what his party would be and frankly I was exhausted at the idea of planning it and then having to host it. So we went low key again this year and had a nice party at home with family and good friends. There were no bouncy castles or giant Elmo's running around. Instead there was kids running around, riding plasma cars, throwing balls and having picnics on the floor.

It is possible to have a nice birthday party and still be eco-friendly. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is with the food that you serve. This year we served pulled pork sandwiches, vegetables, potato salad, coleslaw and spinach dip.  The day before the party we ventured out to the St. Jacobs Farmers Market and bought all the vegetables we needed for the veggie tray, potato salad and coleslaw. I also picked up the freshest pumpernickel bread ever. The pork we got from a local butcher (that came from a local farmer). The buns were also made locally.

For drinks we did serve pop (soda) but I also made organic raspberry iced tea with fresh Niagara peaches.

Dessert was kind of eco-friendly. I mean it would have been if I hadn't had to make a million times more than I needed. I prepared organic chocolate cake batter and started to make ice cream cone cupcakes. The first batch of 12 went into the oven and 20 minutes later came out exploded with half of each over done and the other half raw. I tried again using the last 6 ice cream cones and put less batter in each cone. They came out perfect! Joe went to get more ingredients so I could make more and I thought I had figured out the secret to success. I put the next 12 with the reduced amount of batter into the oven and they came out the same as the first batch! The 4 batch of the last 6 cones went in and they came out perfect.  It took me 36 cones to get 12 that were servable. Maybe by the time he is 18 I will finally have some luck with his birthday cakes.

Today we celebrate the day that our family was complete. As I reflect on the last 2 years with B sitting beside me I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to continue to try and make this world a better place for him.

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