
2 Needs some new inspiration?

There are a lot of other green blogs out there. I follow a ton of them but am always looking for more to follow. So I participate in Green Blog Hops in hope that I will find new blogs to follow and in turn people will find there way over to my little corner of the interwebz.

So if you are looking for some new blogs to follow or you want to follow people on twitter then head on over to the Blog Hop and see who is involved. It is open all day on Wednesday so you will see more and more people joining in as the day goes on.

If you are over here because you found me on the Blog Hop then welcome! I hope you kick your shoes off and stay awhile!


  1. Hi! Hopping over from Green Blog Hop! I'm glad to find another greenie blogger :)

  2. Hi!

    We'd love if you'd follow our *new* blog! Come laugh, cry, and grow with us at:

