
0 Ho Ho Hold the Holiday Cards

I don't know if I have ever sent out Holiday cards. I want to send them out but just think that there has to be a better way to ensure that they are low impact. So I came up with some ideas and next year we will try one of them out (too late this year).

Video Card
Why not put together a video message and email it to people. It is more personalized than an e-card and you could have a lot of fun with it. It could be a separate video for each person you are sending it to or you could do one and send it to multiple people. I think this would be awesome for people you don't see very often!

Homemade Card
I save the front of every Holiday card we get. I figure that at some point I will get around to using them for something. We could use them to make homecard cards. I think it would be really fun to sit down and make a bunch of cards as a family. We could use the old cards, recycled paper, photos of us, old wrapping paper, glitter...the possibilities are endless and each card could be really unique.

Phone Call
This would require not having a phone-phobia and actually wanting to call people. You could call and sign a holiday song or just call and say 'Happy Holidays'.

What are some other ways you can think of to green up holiday cards?

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