
9 Question Time - Grocery Bags

Joe never seems to remember to bring our reusable grocery bags with him to the store. They can be in his car and he will forget them. So not only are we paying 5 cents a bag but we are also not doing out part for the environment.

So I have to ask....how do you remember to bring your bags with you into the store?


  1. I keep the bags in the house from when they were unloaded last and when I remember to, at some point on graocery day, I put my wallet in the bags to sub for a purse and hang them on the door so I grab them on the way out... it is sometimes effective.

    More oftem than not, I'm the one leaving the cart in the store and running out to get the bags from the car!

  2. We remember our bags because we drove all the way back home to get them the first time we forgot.
    It was a major pain, so now we just remember.

  3. So Joe needs to use the bags as a purse then? I will let him know :)

  4. We have our bags in a central location. After a while, we just remember to take them. If we do forget, I have a fold up one in my purse. We can also use it as an opportunity to get bags for the cat box.

  5. We have new rules up here that say that you have to pay 5 cents a bag now (for the plastic bags) Do you guys have that rule in the US as well?

  6. Not yet, but I'm sure its only a matter of time. There is an organic store here, Vitamin Cottage, that no longer offers bags period. They have boxes up front if you need one, otherwise you are on your own.

  7. I forgot mine today :(

    I have one little one that folds up into my purse, but that's it.

    We usually keep them right on the table near the door SO WE SEE THEM, but now we see them so often we forget they're there.

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  9. After shopping I fold them up and put them back into the trunk of my car so that I always have them with me. When I am going to the store I just open the trunk and take it with me.
